INstruction Manual for a successful life
Body, Mind and Soul
Jesus says ABOUT THIS Instruction:
Let Me assure you that this Work of Saint Germain and Myself is entirely different from anything that has been given forth to the Western World, because in this Work there are no human concepts nor opinions.
Most important
„I AM“ is the Activity of „That Life.“
Not only That
„I AM“ is the Full Activity of God.
Information architecture
„I AM“ —the Active Presence of God in you.
Did you know?
The natural tendency of Life is Love, Peace, Beauty, Harmony, and Opulence, for Life cares not who uses It, but is constantly surging to pour more of Its Perfection into manifestation, always with that lifting process which is ever inherent within Itself.
What does "I AM" do?
When you say and feel „I AM“ you release the spring of Eternal, Everlasting Life to flow on Its way unmolested. In other words, you open wide the door to Its natural flow.
Think it over
This is the Highest Principle of Life used and expressed throughout every civilization that has ever existed—for the first expression every Self-conscious form of Life gives is „I AM“.
"I AM" Affirmations
Make Your Knowledge about Lifes Laws a Priority.
The three most important Books for you.
The new edition is available on Amazon.

Unveiled Mysteries
Godfré Ray King meets the Anscended Master on the slops of Mount Shasta in August 1930 and a jouney of stupendous experiences and revelations begins and we are shown everything as clearly as if we were ourselves living it through.
The Secrets of Life are revealed and the most important Laws of Life explained.

The Magic Presence
In this second Volume of the Instruction Manul for a successful life – body, mind and soul the story enfolds and brings the protagonists from the US over Europe and Arabia to India with many wonderful experiences. First explanations of the Magic Might „I AM“ Presence.
The I AM Discourses
Saint Germain and other Anscended Masters explain the laws of life focusing on the creative expression „I AM“ in compact discourses. All what you need for a sucessfull life – body, mind and soul.

Additional Material
Collection of I AM Affirmations
All the I AM Affirmations from „The I AM Discourses“ and additional material as PDF, docx, epub and mobi file.
„I AM“ is the Full Activity of God.
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Sometimes I write About Writing
Der Weg der Selbstvervollkommnung!
Jeder Schüler sollte sich mit absoluter Gewissheit daran erinnern, dass durch diese belebende Kraft der „ICH BIN Gegenwart“ in seinem Wesen alles Gute oder andere in Aktion gesetzt wird. Wenn im Bewusstsein latent Rebellion, Groll oder die Neigung zu urteilen...